Supreme Nascent Iodine 2% 1 oz $35
For the "PEAK OF HEALTH" take every day
Nascent Iodine is identical to the iodine
which the body produces for its own need.
It is antibacterial, antiviral, 100% safe, 100% natural.
Suggested Dosage: 1-3 drops twice dailyfor basic maintenance, more for serious issues.
Supreme Nascent Iodine 2% 1 oz
Nascent Iodine for Thyroid Therapy, Antiviral, Antibacterial, Antiparasitic
Supreme Nascent Iodine is identical to the iodine which the body produces for its own needs.
Supreme Nascent Iodine is 100% safe for most everyone to take. Lugol's solution, although widely prescribed and used, contains potassium iodide which can have potential risk factors! What Are the Health Risks of Potassium Iodide? One illustrated example is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) who warn that improper use of potassium iodide can cause severe illness or even death. Adverse effects of potassium iodide range from upset stomach, headache, and rashes to severe allergic reactions, irregular heartbeat, and inflammation of the salivary glands. What's more, potassium iodide may be harmful to people with thyroid disease and certain skin disorders (such as dermatitis herpetiformis or urticaria vasculitis), as well as individuals who are allergic to iodine.
Supreme Nascent Iodine is the premier Nascent Iodine which is the most effective and safest form of iodine! What is Nascent Iodine? Nascent Iodine is consumable iodine in its atomic form rather than its molecular form. It is an iodine atom that has an incomplete number of electrons. It is paramagnetic which means that the iodine atoms can hold an electromagnetic charge. The most important thing to understand is that Nascent Iodine has a huge energy release when consumed. This charged state is held by the atom until diluted in water and consumed, whereby it gradually loses energy over a 2-3 hour time span. During this time, Nascent Iodine is recognized by the body as the same iodine that is produced by the thyroid and is readily absorbed by the body. Supreme Nascent Iodine is also totally different from the typical iodine in its denser state sold as an antiseptic, or as added to potassium iodide to make it soluble in liquid. It is also unlike glandular or prescriptions containing hormones that take over the thyroid's job instead of working naturally with it.Supreme Nascent Iodine is iodine in the nascent state. The forerunner of this iodine formula had been used extensively in the 1920's and 1930's.
Dr. David Brownstein, MD - "Iodine is the most misunderstood nutrient. After 17 years of practicing medicine, I can say that it is impossible to achieve your optimal health if you do not have adequate iodine levels. I have yet to see any item that is more important to promoting health or optimizing the function of the immune system than iodine. Every cell in the body is affected directly or indirectly by iodine and you suffer the consequences of its deficiency."
Having enough iodine in the body makes it less vulnerable to chemical and radioactive attack while it cleanses the body of any contaminants already absorbed. It is a crucial component of the detoxification process. Every cell in the body needs iodine to function properly. A lack of iodine allows other halogens such as bromine and chlorine, to masquerade as iodine, causing harm to the body. The correct amount of iodine in the body keeps you and your thyroid gland healthy. An unhealthy thyroid gland can affect your entire body. If the thyroid gland cannot make enough hormones, many health problems can result.
Because of its importance, Iodine used to be in many of our foods, such as salt. Unfortunately, even in the salt the iodine evaporates with time making it an ineffective method for getting iodine into the body. Iodine deficiency is a worldwide problem. The World Health organization has recognized that iodine deficiency is the world's greatest single cause of preventable mental retardation. Studies have shown that neonatal mortality can be decreased by up to 50% when iodine deficiency is rectified. Many physicians are finding nascent iodine is an extremely useful and powerful new tool in health care.
1. It is much easier for the thyroid to produce T-3 & T-4 hormones.
2. Iodine is necessary for production of all the hormones of the body.
3. Iodine is also responsible for the normal formation of our glandular tissue in the breast, thyroid, ovary and prostate.
4. Nascent iodine is in the most effective chemical state for assisting your body in fighting infections, parasites, bacteria, and fungus.
5. It lowers the levels of estrogen in the body. High levels of estrogen can increase the chances of developing diseases of the breast including breast cancer and fibrocystic breast disease.
6. Iodine elevates our pH levels. An alkaline environment in the body helps prevent common illnesses like colds and flu.
7. Supreme Nascent Iodine is known for producing more energy for most people.
In his book Dr. Brownstein says, "The breasts are one of the body's main storage and utilization sites for iodine. . . After my own research and study, I concur with several investigators that iodine deficiency is a causative factor in breast cancer and fibrocystic breast disease. . . Iodine has many anticancer properties. . . Iodine can function as both an antioxidant as well as an oxidant in the body. This dual effect makes it a strong anticancer agent. . . It has been known for over 50 years that there is an association between breast cancer and iodine levels. There have been many articles written in medical literature pointing towards a direct relationship between low iodine levels and the development of breast cancer in various regions of the world, including the United States. . . Although the research is not as complete as it is for breast cancer, I believe the cause of prostate cancer in men is similar to the cause of breast cancer in women. I believe iodine deficiency is one of the links responsible for the increased risk of prostate cancer."
MY OWN TESTIMONY: I have used Supreme Nascent Iodine every day since July, 2010 and haven't had any sickness since I began using it. My energy has greatly increased. On one of our trips to Canada with the whole family two of our grandaughters started to get sick with cold symptoms and felt miserable. We gave them each 12 drops of Supreme Nascent Iodine that night and the next morning they felt great! This is one product you should never leave home without!
OREGON - "I'd say that Supreme Nascent Iodine has definitely changed my life! I have less brain fog, less depression, more energy, just everything is better. I tell everyone that they should use it and many of my family members have started taking it. I've tried many different types too, and Supreme Nascent Iodine is by far the best one. So far I end up giving away a lot of it to get people to try it. I can't help it it's just so amazing that everyone should be taking it! Supreme Nascent Iodine has been marvelous for me. It's the first time I've had energy in 15 years!"
AUSTRALIA - "It is only the last few days that I have really started to use it. What can I say? I have my mojo back, after so short a time, I feel increased strength and energy, not to mention a much more optimistic outlook. I have had a niggling injury for months and it finally feels as though it may be on the mend. I am motivated again to get out and do all the jobs that have been piling up. Whatever it is doing, I like it and I'm glad I went to the time, trouble and expense in getting hold of it."
Content on this listing is for reference purposes and is not intended to substitute for advice given by a licensed health-care professional. You should not use this information as self-diagnosis or for treating a health problem or disease. Contact your health-care provider immediately if you suspect that you have a medical problem. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.