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Olive Leaf 1000 Capsules 550 mg $85   Best By - 08/2027
Olive Leaf 100 Capsules 550 mg $25  Best By 08/2026

Certified Organic Olive Leaf in vegitarian capsules
Scientifically proven immune system booster
Powerful antioxidant and free-radical scavenger.

Olive Leaf Capsules 550 mg. starting at:


    This amazing anti-aging antioxidant is an ancient remedy with powerful benefits for today in 4 major areas:
    1. IMMUNE SYSTEM SUPPORT - for optimal health 

    2. PATHOGENS CONTROL (virus, retrovirus, bacteria, fungi, parasites) 

    3. ANTI-AGING EFFECTS - supplying large doses of antioxidants 

    4. CARDIOVASCULAR CIRCULATION & HEART HEALTH - lowers blood pressure and cholesterol


    Wide-Spectrum "ANCIENT" Botanical Shown to Bolster the Immune System & More! 

    Use Olive Leaf Natural veggie capsules to keep a steady supply of olive leaf in your diet for consistency (important). Certified organic capsules made with Organic Olive Leaf Powder only (no filler). We use Pullulan vegetarian capsules which is the only capsule material available for the organic certification process. The capsules are gluten, yeast, and preservative free. Store in a cool, dark, dry area for a shelf life of up to two years. 

    • Botanical: Olea europaea powder 
    • Capsule size: 100 caps bottle 550mg, 1000 caps bottle 550 mg 
    • Quantity: 1000 or 100 vegetarian capsules 
    • Suggested Dosage: 1-3 capsules daily with water. 

    Enjoy olive leaf for its health, energy, and cardiovascular properties. Employ the ancient olive Tree of Health as a scientifically proven immune system booster. Certified Organic Olive Leaf Natural capsules are a powerful antioxidant and free-radical scavenger.

    An ancient remedy whose first recorded use was in 1000 B.C. The leaves of olive trees have been used for thousands of years as a homeopathic remedy in the Mediterranean World.

    OLIVE LEAF has 12 proven Antioxidants that keep free radicals in check. 
    OLIVE LEAF'S Selective Intelligence KILLS bad bacteria and nurtures the good without building Antibiotic Resistance. 
    OLIVE LEAF has been shown to "scavenge" free radicals even more than Vitamin C, Green Tea and Grape Seed Extract! 

    SUPPLEMENTS: (ORAC) umol TE/gram 
    2,100 ----------Vitamin C 
    5,397 ----------Green Tea Extract 
    6,250 ----------Grape Seed Extract 
    10,465 ---------OLIVE LEAF!!!!!! 

    FRUITS: (ORAC) umol TE/gram 
    49 -----------Raspberry 
    93 -----------Wild Berry 
    95 -----------Cranberry 

    10,465 ------OLIVE LEAF!!!!!!! 

    'SUPER JUICES': (ORAC) umol TE/Litre 
    17,998 ---------Noni 
    56,994 ---------Mangosteen 
    59,994 ---------Acai & Guarana 
    81,000 ---------Goji 
    507,184 --------OLIVE LEAF!!!!!! 

    The Oleuropein Myth
    In 1969, the pharmaceutical company Merck attempted to isolate what they believed to be the active component of the olive leaf, Oleuropein, in order to develop a natural anti-viral drug. From this one phenolic compound Merck further extracted and isolated a chemical called Elenoic Acid to use in their clinical trials. As it turned out, unfortunately, this Oleuropein/Elenoic Acid compound proved to be unstable when ingested and failed to kill germs. Merck gave up further work on their project.

    During the mid-1990's there were just a couple of companies in the health food industry producing Olive Leaf Extract. Several of these companies chose to continue the use of the word Oleuropein in their advertising, to create the aura of respectability and potency for their extract. As olive leaf extract became ever-more popular and other companies added olive leaf to their product line extensions, the use of the Oleuropein measurement by placing the percentage on the front of the label became a copycat issue - companies that did not process their own extract and really had no idea what they were even selling copied the existing olive leaf extract labels that were on the shelves of health food stores which claimed some level of Oleuropein.
    What these companies did not realize is that Oleuropein is one of 8 compounds discovered, so far, in the olive that have anti-bacterial, antifungal, and very strong anti-oxidative properties. These compounds include the 6 other Phenolics: Caffeic Acid, Verbascoside, Luteolin 7-O-Glucoside, Rutin, Apigenin 7-O-Glucoside and Luteolin 4'-O-Glucoside along with the most recently discovered Maslinic Acid compound which has been undergoing HIV-testing at the University of Granada in Spain. 
    These 8 compounds are present in the olive leaves, fruit, bark and roots of the olive tree Olea Europa. Most likely there are even more active components of the olive tree that are still to be discovered.
    These compounds have developed over thousands of years of "natural selection" where Nature created and improved upon this olive plant to make it resistant to fungus, mold, bacteria, parasites, viruses, and other plagues that killed off their weaker cousins. However, it has been Nature's plan that these compounds operate together, synergistically, not as separate entities as hypothesized by Merck.

    There is current medical testing using the whole olive leaf extract against cancer, heart disease, and a variety of infectious diseases because of these broad-spectrum anti-microbial and anti-fungal characteristics.

    While many brands try to single out Oleuropein as "the" active ingredient, it is just one of many active ingredients synergistically working together. The proof of the olive leaf extract's quality has been in the results. Dr. Morton Walker's article in the May 2001 "Townsend Letter" details many case studies from health care professionals using the olive leaf extract.

    The tendency by some companies to differentiate their olive leaf extract from the next bottle on the store shelf by selecting an individual nutrient and isolating it, just causes more confusion. The Upjohn scientists attempted to isolate what they believed was the "active ingredient" in the olive leaf, Calcium Elenolate, a component of Oleuropein, in order to duplicate it and create anti-viral and antibiotic compounds. Unfortunately the separation and isolation of this phytochemical ingredient resulted in failure by the Upjohn scientists to achieve the results in clinical trials that they had achieved with InVitro testing. These unstable phytochemicals combined with blood serum proteins during human trials, forming new molecules having no antibiotic or antiviral properties. Proving once again the complexity involved in natural compounds found in whole food and whole herb creations of nature.

    The following is an explanation of why some quality orientated companies providing olive leaf extract do not state a “standardized % of the Oleuropein”. The principal reason is that this is not a standardized extract, but rather a “whole food extract”. After all, this is supposed to be the “natural foods industry”, not the unnatural pharmaceutical industry. Whole foods and supplements like olive leaf extract should be processed without chemicals or solvents like Hexane, and without trying to precipitate out one chemical component from an herb.

    Another factor involved is truth in labeling. There are a host of other anti-oxidant phytochemicals and other active nutrients to be found in olive leaf extract. However, so many “manufacturers” who process nothing more than paperwork, continue to pick up these “buzzwords”, and place them on their olive leaf extract labels hoping to present their product as better than their competitors, when in fact they are just clones of one another, trying to market their olive leaf extract product as better or containing a more active ingredient. This is basically the “ours is better than yours” mentality used to market supplements.

    The level of Oleuropein in olive leaf extract, on average, fall within the range of 1% to 7%. What really is convincing to avoid isolating Oleuropein in olive leaf extract was the 1969 study by Upjohn, where they further broke this chemical down into Elenoic Acid. It worked fine in in-vitro testing but completely failed in clinical trials. The isolation of that one chemical in olive leaf extract made it unstable; and combined with blood serum proteins, it became inactive.

    Quality orientated naturalistic practitioners operate under the belief that Nature made olive leaf right to begin with, and we should be careful when we process it not to diminish this raw material nor change the balance of the various phytochemicals that are in it. We are still discovering its active components. We resist playing what is strictly a marketing game of randomly choosing this month's active ingredient and putting as large a number as possible on the label in hope that the public might overlook the fact that this is entirely a gimmick to sell a product.

    Olive Leaf Extract uses: 
    Olive Leaf Extract is a natural antimicrobial that has been used for dietary support in controlling many viruses, fungi, bacteria, and even some parasites. This product is doctor-recommended. We recommend that you read the book, Nature’s Antibiotic: Olive Leaf Extract by Dr. Morton Walker.  In this book you will find a list of over 100 infectious diseases for which Olive Leaf acts as an anti-microbial agent.

    The side effects of olive leaf extract: 
    Olive Leaves have been used safely for thousands of years. This is a natural whole food plant product, not a drug. The only known rare side-effect that has been noted from the use of olive leaf extract is the possibility of a Herxheimer Reaction which is the rapid die-off of a large number of harmful fungi/virus that suddenly release toxins which then may trigger an immune response, similar to an allergic or flu-like reaction that may last for a day or more. If this reaction is experienced and becomes too uncomfortable, the level of use of olive leaf extract can be reduced or stopped until this cleansing response disappears. Some doctors believe that a Herxheimer Reaction is an excellent response for an anti-fungal treatment. The reaction can happen when a large dosage is used. We recommend that you start slow with small dosages and gradually increase to avoid this reaction. If there is a concern, consult your health care professional. The olive leaf has been part of our food supply for thousands of years and will not destroy the natural bacteria that inhabit the digestive tract. 

    DISCLAIMER:  Content on this listing is for reference purposes and is not intended to substitute for advice given by a licensed health-care professional. You should not use this information as self-diagnosis or for treating a health problem or disease. Contact your health-care provider immediately if you suspect that you have a medical problem. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.

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