Coconut Oil Can Save Your Life
1. Improves cholesterol levels
Coconut oil is rich in saturated medium chain fats. Half of these saturated fats are known as lauric acids. According to research found in the US National Library of Medicine, “TC:HDL-C ratio…is significantly decreased by lauric acid.”
To sum it up, the good ‘HDL’ cholesterol is raised. The bad ‘LDL’ cholesterol is lowered.
2. Helps Burn Fat
According to Conrado S. Dayrit, MD, coconut oil consists of about 65% medium chain fatty acids (aka MCFA). These fatty acids are metabolized rapidly. They do not turn into transport or biosynthesize into cholesterol.
Dr. Dayrit says, “Coco oil is not deposited in adipose tissues and therefore does not lead to obesity. It is primarily an energy supplier and as fast a supplier of energy as sugar. MCFAs therefore differ in their metabolism from all the long chain fatty acids, whether saturated or unsaturated.”
3. Heart Health – Reduces The Risk of Coronary Complications
The Coconut Research Center states that the risk of heart disease is lowered because of the dominant good HDL’s. As mentioned before, coconut oil’s medium chain fats increase good HDL cholesterol and decrease bad LDL cholesterol.
A second supporting argument is the fact that heart disease can be caused by damage of the arterial lining, “According to current thought atherosclerosis initially develops as a result of injury to the inner lining of the arterial wall. The injury can be the result of a number of factors such as toxins, free radicals, viruses, or bacteria. If the cause of the injury is not removed further damage may result.” Coconut Research Center further states that this leads to blood clots. Virgin coconut oil contains antioxidants, which can serve as an anti-inflammatory, fight against infections and heal wounds much faster.
4. Helps With Damaged Skin and Wrinkles
Coconut oil has the “ability to accelerate re-epithelialization, improve antioxidant enzyme activity, and stimulate higher collagen cross-linking within the tissue being repaired” according to It also shows to sooth and speed up the recovery of burn wounds.
Research on the subject of virgin coconut oil has shown the following results in rats: “VCO-treated wounds healed much faster, as indicated by a decreased time of complete epithelization and higher levels of various skin components. Pepsin-soluble collagen showed a significant increase in VCO- treated wounds, indicating a higher collagen cross-linking. Glycohydrolase activities were also found to be increased due to a higher turnover of collagen. Antioxidant enzyme activities, and reduced glutathione and malondialdehyde levels were found to be increased…returned to normal levels on day 14 in the treated wounds. The lipid peroxide levels were found to be lower in the treated wounds. A histopathological study showed an increase in fibroblast proliferation and neovascularization in VCO-treated wounds compared to controls.”
According to, “it is easily absorbed by the skin and helps prevent and lighten stretch marks. Its antiseptic quality keeps skin young and healthy and relatively free from infections.”
5. Helps Keep Bones and Teeth Healthy
Yep you heard it. Virgin coconut oil can reduce oxidative stress within the bone. This can prevent structural bone damage for patients with osteoporosis.
Research featured in the US National Library of Medicine shows that the antioxidant activity of the oil and the inhibition in lipid peroxidation (degradation), caused fibroblast proliferation (synthesis of the extracellular matrix and collagen), neovascularization(imperative stage in wound healing), and healing recovery.
The paper quotes,” VCO can prevent lipid peroxidation and increase the antioxidant enzymes in the osteoporotic rat model. Therefore, supplementation of antioxidant-enriched diet as virgin coconut oil may shed light on the development of new alternative therapy for postmenopausal osteoporosis and prevention of fractures.”
6. Nervous System Function – Can Improve or Reverse Alzheimer’s Disease
Sayer Ji , founder of, references a study published in 2006 in the journal Neurobiology of Aging, in which results shows that administering medium chain triglycerides, which is highly found in coconut oil, resulted in an increase in ketone bodies. The subjects in this study were all suffering from Alzheimer’s and those with less severe cognitive dysfunction showed cognitive improvement.
7. Improves Lung Function and Protects against bronchial infections
Lauric acid, found in abundance in coconut oil, is used to treat viral infections including the bronchitis, the flu and the common cold, according to WebMD. Coconut oil with its antioxidant tissue healing properties aids in reducing the inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes. A boosted immune system also contributes in regulating oxygen intake and breathing.
8. Colon and Breast Cancer Prevention has some great info and studies backing this claim. It’s great to see that the same properties in coconut oil can work across the board, to aid several organs and diseases.According to their research, “coconut oil in its raw state is anti-carcinogenic, which means its own properties fight the agents responsible for causing and spreading cancer. Carcinogens potentially increase a person’s cancer risk by altering the way in which cells metabolize or by damaging the DNA of cells. The Medium Chain Fatty Acids (MCFA) found in coconut oil is also anti-microbrial, which prevents cancer cells from spreading and boost the immune system.”
9. Helps Increase Testosterone
Dr Mike Hart told the Huffington Post that dietary factors and a low-fat diet can be attributed to low testosterone. Medium chain triglyceride oils, as found in coconut do the opposite for testosterone levels.According to Sayer Ji , founder of, “Coconut oil was found to reduce oxidative stress in the testes of rats, resulting in significantly higher levels of testosterone.”
10. Improve Metabolism and Thyroid Function
Referring back to the properties of lauric acid and all of its functions as detailed in this article, it is clear that it serves its purpose. A low immune system increases inflammation and this is turn affects the thyroid metabolism negatively. Enters coconut oil, to regulate the immune system and fight the states,”50 percent of the fat content in coconut oil is a fat rarely found in nature called lauric acid. Your body converts lauric acid into monolaurin, which has anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-protozoa properties. Lauric acid is a powerful virus and gram-negative bacteria destroyer, and coconut oil contains the most lauric acid of any substance on earth!”In, Mary Jolley, mentions a book by David Wolfe, Eating For Beauty, in which he says, “Young coconut water is identical to human blood plasma, making it the universal donor. Plasma makes up 55% of human blood. The remaining 45% of our blood consists of hemoglobin, which is essentially transformed plant blood (chlorophyll). When we consume a drink consisting of 55% fresh coconut water and 45% fresh green-leaf juice, we give ourselves and instant blood transfusion.”